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Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was originally published on the Official PLOS Blog, the site on PLOS BLOGS Network that covers PLOS initiatives. The republished post covers a newly started blog series called, ‘In case you missed it (ICYMI)’, a collection of some blogs and key announcements from the previous quarter that is highly relevant to ECRs as well.

From the Official PLOS Blog:

Uphold the Code

Advancing Open Science in Africa

Partnering with CRUK to improve cancer research

The potential butterfly effect of preregistered peer-reviewed research

From Speaking of Medicine and Health:

A formula for disaster

Vaccine apartheid is racist and wrong

Monkeypox is not a gay disease

There is no global in global health security

Walking the path to gender equality, together

Activist guide to a healthier world

What do colonialism, racism and global health education have in common?

Call for Papers: PLOS Medicine Special Issue ‘Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance: Surveillance and Prevention’

From EveryONE:

Interviews with the lab protocols community

Publication timeframes at PLOS ONE—and our plans to improve them

An interview with Ben Brown, Guest Editor of the PLOS ONE-COS Cognitive Psychology Collection

It takes two to tango

From Latitude:

PLOS Sustainability and Transformation celebrates World Biodiversity Day

Cities and Climate Change: PLOS Climate’s first Call for Papers

Don’t forget the socks!

Meet Debora Walker, the new PLOS Water Executive Editor

Celebrating Earth Day 2022

The IPCC AR6 WGIII Report: A Youth Perspective

Mitigation of Climate Change: The IPCC AR6 WGIII report

From Biologue:

Behind the Paper

What does an editor do?

About the Author
  • Andreas Vilhelmsson 0000-0002-6635-8182

    Andreas Vilhelmsson is an ECR Community Editor and a post-doctoral researcher at the Division of Social Medicine and Global Health at Lund University in Sweden. His research focuses mostly on patient reporting of adverse drug reactions and pharmaceutical regulation with respect to health policy and public health, but he is also interested in broader global health issues like climate change and welfare systems.

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