In June 2021, a doctor diagnosed a woman in her 70s with “climate change” after she showed up at an emergency room…
Academia Flipping the classroom to teach climate and health in medical educationÂ
Early Career Research Community Identifying the Inequities in Refusing Interviews Before Graduate Application Deadlines—And What We Can Do About It
Pre-application interviews involve meetings between supervisors and individuals who intend to submit a graduate application in the upcoming cycle. Though these interviews…
Academia What I wish someone had told me when starting my PhD project
A finished thesis is a product of four years of intense labor. Therefore, one can easily forget that it is also, and…
Academia Supporting ECRs in peer reviewÂ
Image by StartUpStockphotos, Pixabay Licence A few weeks ago it was one of the most important week for researchers, despite not always being as…
Academia Open Access Week: A reminder what research is all about
This year’s International Open Access Week is now officially over. With the theme Community over Commercialization, there is a continued focus on…
PLOS ECR Community Two PhD students’ journey in organizing the 1st Open Science workshop in Bordeaux
Photo Caption: Organizers and participants posing in front of the Broca building in Bordeaux, at the last day of the Open Science…
Academia From supervised to supervisor
Bachelor student, Master student, PhD-student. All education within academia rely on supervisors to be able to step in and lead when students…
Academia The Academic AI Takeover: How To Embrace the AI Revolution
In the ever-evolving landscape of academic research, the role of artificial intelligence has undergone a dramatic transformation. Not too long ago, the…
Academia Why refraining from academic flying may not be the best career move
My personal opinion of a professional dilemma Calculations show that only 2–4 % of the global population are flying. Academics from all over…
Academia Behind the Scenes: The Birth, Growth, and Impact of My YouTube Channel on ECRs
Stepping into the world of YouTube was never a calculated career move for me. It was more of a serendipitous stumble into…
Early Career Research Community I managed my lab anxiety by being comfortable with bad results and keeping good track of my work
One weekend when I was working in the lab repeating optimization experiments for developing a strawberry pathogen detection assay, I was picking…
Open Access Building a more sustainable future through Open Access research
Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was…