How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Evidence shows you were probably about five years old. But why…
Brain Why do children believe in Santa? PLOS ONE studies examine how children conceive truth
Academia Scientists Behaving Badly (On Social Media)
By Brett Buttliere It is generally undisputed that Twitter and other social information exchange websites are changing the landscape of science and…
Animals Bdelloid Rotifers: Sex,Take 2
This article is being cross-listed on The Berkeley Science Review. Check out some other really interesting pieces there! Isaac Newton, one of…
Inside Knowledge Back to the future
What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you have a plan to be a fireman? Maybe. An explorer?…
Inside Knowledge Question, investigate, and share
Editor’s Note: Anna Perman and David Robertson contributed equally to this article. Sara and Gina are collecting baby teeth, to build a…
Inside Knowledge Modeling reality
Mathematical models are convenient ways for scientists to represent, understand and predict what happens in the world outside of the lab. But…
Inside Knowledge The Beat of the Scientific Drum
The Blast lab at Imperial College, London, is a percussionist’s dream. During experiments, which examine the effects of explosions on humans, metal…
Inside Knowledge Money Makes The Lab Go Round
Editor’s Note: Lizzie Crouch and Ben Good contributed equally to this article. The Blast research group at Imperial College, London, is unique…
Inside Knowledge The Blast Mosaic
Over the past month or so, we’ve been spending a lot of time with the Blast crew. We’ve had a chance to…
Inside Knowledge Scrambled Science
How much can you learn from the words that make up a scientific paper? When they are in order and presented in…
Inside Knowledge Call My Bluff, Science edition
You might think that the biggest challenge in scientific research is the research itself. But communicating science can be just as difficult…
Inside Knowledge The responsibility of research: the dual use dilemma
Editor’s Note: Anna Perman and David Robertson contributed equally to this article. “Do you worry that some of the research you do…