Note: This blog was originally published on the Official PLOS Blog Author: Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, PLOS’ Director of Open Research Solutions Early career…
post The importance of early career researchers for promoting open research
post Editor’s tips for passing journal checks
The following blog was originally posted on the Official PLOS Blog and is crossposted here because it contains may helpful tips for…
Academia Moving for science – from UK to Vietnam (via Singapore)
The interview was conducted by Lia Paola Zambetti: Lia currently works as a research manager at the University of Sydney, after a…
The Student Blog Practical Apps for a new lab
Note: This post was written by Scott T. Aoki, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine…
Chemistry Younger chemists host public outreach competition in honor of Earth Day
Note: This post was written by Courtney Ngai, Public Outreach Chair for IYCN The International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) is pleased to announce…