Image by StartUpStockphotos, Pixabay Licence A few weeks ago it was one of the most important week for researchers, despite not always being as…
Academia Supporting ECRs in peer reviewÂ
Open Access Building a more sustainable future through Open Access research
Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was…
PLoS 5 things every ECR should know about Registered Reports
Author: Lindsay Morton, Senior Manager, Open Science Community Engagement, PLOS Registered Reports support scientific rigor, help to create a more complete scientific…
Open Science PLOS launches new feature to promote data sharing and access
Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was…
Academia PLOS expands footprint in Sweden with a new publishing agreement with the Bibsam consortium
Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was…
Early Career Research Community Open Access Doesn’t Need APCs Part 1: Charting a new course with Community Action Publishing
Note: This is a republished post in an effort to share PLOS posts relevant to early career researchers. The blog post was…
PLoS Ten Lessons About Writing Journal Papers Your Mother Never Taught You
Note: This blog was originally published on Your Say, which is the site on PLOS BLOGS Network for guest posts from scientists…
Early Career Research Community The not-so-innocent LEGO brick
When I think of the Danish company LEGO, the first image that comes to mind is their classical LEGO brick, and I…
Brain Why do children believe in Santa? PLOS ONE studies examine how children conceive truth
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Evidence shows you were probably about five years old. But why…
PLoS Pathogens and Defense: Speakers recap from the 6th EMBO Meeting
By Meredith Wright From September 5-8, scientists converged on Birmingham, UK for the 6th European Molecular Biology Organization Meeting. EMBO is an…
Academia Celebrating 10 years of Athena SWAN Charter advancing women in science
By Sara Carvalhal Gender inequality in science has been in the news lately, particularly around the fall-out of Sir Tim Hunt’s biased…